Friday, September 11, 2009

Farcry 2 Online Key Fix

Only have an install key and confused what your online key is? Well here is the answer.

It's simple actually. The Online key is your install key on your manual. It's not long enough i hear you scream? Well thats because there is a trick to entering it.

If you want to enter a number you must take OFF capslock key.. why? no idea, but it works.

Now enjoy the mulitplayer fun... its not that bad ... or good.. .. lol


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Working for Blizzard Entertainment - The Perks

Here is a collection of the free perks obtained at my time at Blizzard Entertainment.
  • Free wow for you and a few friends (only while you are still an employee)
  • Free Collectors Edition versions of all the expansions.
  • Free One year game cards here and there.
  • Blizzcon Goodie Bags, including the ingame items.
  • Patch and Content Expansions - Advance Knowledge (Not Much)
  • Name on the credits of Wraith of Lich king.
  • Alpha and Beta Test Codes - Star Craft  2, Wow Expansions.
  • Meet the games developers - Rare occurance but great.
The Best Perk Ever was of course the huge 21 inch  "Blizzard Employee only" Bronze Orc and Wolf Statue. This thing was a pain to carry home but was so worth it. Looks amazing and so rare.

Sad to say I would probaly sell mine given a good enough offer during these bad times :(

There is one last perk I had written up about but it should not really be public information so removed it... Sorry..

Interview / Training / Pay
The Office / Break Room
The Work / The People
The Perks
Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?

This video below is my statue from Blizzard.

Working for Blizzard Entertainment - The Work

The Work

Working at Blizzard is alot like working at a call centre, except your typing to players not speaking on the phone. Its very team orientated and you have strict rules and quotas to uphold. Think of any time you submitted an ingame ticket to a GM, and basically think of you on the other side. Armed with self wrriten macros and your team to solve such issues.

Yes your GM character has the power of god ingame, I could literally have teleported anyone anywhere, gave any one any item, one shot any boss, go to Orgrimmar turn everyone to a chicken then instant kill everyone there. However,  you obviously dont do such things as you are paid to work not piss about .Of course anyone abusing powers in any manor would be swiftly removed from their seat by security and wont be returning.  Yes it has happened.

The People

Yes.. yee be warned.. Female Kind work at Blizzard... and more than you might think.. Infact there are alsorts of age groups to. You will find all shapes, sizes, races, countries, from the stylish to the badly dressed.

Interview / Training / Pay
The Office / Break Room
The Work / The People
The Perks
Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?

Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?

Are you addicated to wow? Do you raid often? Should you work for Blizzard? ...No... If you are obessed with WoW and let the game control you working for Blizzard will just take time away from you playing WoW.

You can not garantee to able fit work around guild raids because its shift work, that must cover 24/7 - 365.

Working for Blizzard is a full time job.. key word, Job. Your not paid to play.

If all you want is... Bragging rights, fun, Perks and Power.. .then you will be sorely disapointed.

Who should work for Blizzard?... Thats not for me to say or pass judgement. Feel free to apply... Blizzard is great to work for.

Interview / Training / Pay
The Office / Break Room
The Work / The People
The Perks
Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?

Working for Blizzard Entertainment - The Office

The Office

Whats at the office?

Around the office was alsorts of posters, concept art and the cardboard things you sometimes see put outside games shops. These were apparently the left overs from the last blizzcon.


Apart from the large call centre type rooms, with rows of chairs with leader position at each end. There were numerous small offices and meeting/conference rooms. Which of course had video conference type stuff in them. All snazzy modern stuff.

Break Room

The Break Room was great, had a great view of the surrounding town being so high up. The wall was the window so you could see alot. Very panaramic.

There was a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and a large Plasma Screen that had Sky TV. The consles had things like guitar hero with the guitar. Alsorts of other stuff for the consoles to.

Also in this rather large room was a table tennis, Table Football, Pool Table and full kitchen stuff, fridge, sink, cupboards.. you know kitchen stuff lol.

Vending machines were vastly improved when Blizzard finally found an Irish company to adopt "new technogly" That being keyfobs. Everyone got keyfobs which automatically gave us credit each week to spend and we could add more credit to it to buy more stuff if we so required. The vending machines had everything from coke to redbull, sandwidges, crisps... dare i say it... vending machine type stuff... lol.


The office had *shock horror*  nice brand new toilets with many cubicles and urinal . There were even female and disabelled toilets. I have quite a few funny stories about the toilets... but for now will keep them to my self lol.

Interview / Training / Pay
The Office / Break Room
The Work / The People
The Perks
Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?

Working for Blizzard Entertainment - This is what it's like....

I worked for Blizzard Entertainment as an MMORPG Gamesmaster for over a year in the Ireland Offices.

In these following posts you'll learn more of my first hand experiences of working for Blizzard.

Interview Process
  • Apply to Blizzard
  • Get phone call out of the blue
  • On the spot telephone Interview
  • Secondary Phone call offered Live Interview
  • Arrived in Ireland at own expense for Interview
  • Interviewed by Senior GM
  • Took a brief 10 minute Test
  • Returned Home
  • Got phone call with Job Offer
  • Recieved Relocation Information

I really enjoyed my training, it lasted one week. People now can expect two weeks training.

The Pay

The pay is not really good enough for the amount of hours you work and lack of public holidays you get off. However saying that the pay is alot better than most would expect. Perks and bonuses are a good offset.

Interview / Training / Pay
The Office / Break Room
The Work / The People
The Perks
Should you work for Blizzard Entertainment?