Thursday, December 15, 2011

Terraria 1.1.1 Christmas Update

Terraria 1.1.1 patch has now gone live. Here are the changes:

Bug Fixes / Performance
● Reduced the amount of RAM needed to run Terraria.
● Added an option to turn backgrounds off.
● Improved the automatic game quality adjuster.
● Lighting update won’t skip as much on lower quality levels.
● Items dropped on death for hardcore and mediumcore characters will retain their conditions.
● Space Gun now has a value.
● Water Bolt can now have conditions.
● Diving Helmet now works correctly.
● Walls now correctly show behind Glass Blocks.
● You can now untie bound NPC’s with Autopause enabled.
● Mediumcore and hardcore players will drop their cursor item on death.
● Coins held on the cursor will correctly be dropped on death.
● Dryad’s Corruption and Hallow status numbers are correct.
● Wyverns are less common and will be less likely to spawn near the ground.
● Mana Flower's price has been increased.
● Fixed the shadow glitch of trippy lighting.
● Music Boxes no longer dupe when placed on platforms.
● Fixed an issue that caused stacked coins to go missing from chests during multiplayer.
● Cursed Torch item now emits light in water.
● Harpoon can now be reforged.
● Lighting will now be set to Retro instead of crashing if Terraria is unable to switch to the new lighting mode.
● Keybindings will no longer sometimes be set to "None" automatically.
● Bombs thrown by clowns will now show that the wall has been destroyed in multiplayer.
● Crystal Shards now give off light in retro and white color mode.
● Hallowed Armor only has graphical effects with the helmet.
● Players now have hair under their hats.
● Statues no longer turn into Armor Statues when they are smashed from the top.
● Clowns only throw bombs when their target is alive.

● Added Candy Cane Blocks & Walls.
● Added Green Candy Cane Blocks & Walls.
● Added Snow Blocks.
● Added Snow Bricks & Walls.
● Added Red, Green, and Blue Lights.
● Added Presents that are dropped by monsters during the holiday season.
● Added Snow Globe.
● Added Santa’s Outfit.

● Added Snowman Gangsta.
● Added Mister Stabby.
● Added Snow Balla.
● Added Santa Claus.

● Snow biomes will always be created during world gen during the holiday season. There is a 1 in 3 chance for snow biomes to be created during world gen during the rest of the year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

EVE Online Patch notes for Crucible 1.0.2

Here is an overview of  the latest patch notes and link to full detailed patch notes.

Patch notes for Crucible 1.0.2


Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

Fuel bays on all control towers have TEMPORARILY been doubled, to reduce the impact of the delay to fuel block switch-over. These changes will be REVERTED when fuel block consumption is enabled. Towers left with their fuel bays in an "overloaded" state as a result of this change should continue to function as normal.


Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • Fixed an issue where the full body portrait would not work correctly if used after previewing a turret.
  • Fixed a problem with hair on characters being rendered incorrectly when seen through glass.

If you would like a 30 day trial of EVE Online instead of the standard 14 day, feel free to leave email address in comments and ill send you a refferal. This will be updated to 60 day trial as soon as they are added. Email addresses wont be published as comments are moderated!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trading Team Fortress 2 Items for EVE Online ISK

Would anyone be willing to trade in this manner? Would love to get back into EVE online without shelling the overpriced monthly fee, (damm £ to € exchange rate)

I have tonnes of TF2 items (92 at least) and expect at least the value of a plex in ISK for them.

If your interested please leave a comment with your details, (anonymous posting is allowed and all comments are moderated so will not appear here)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Traded in Price of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 xbox360

Having just traded in my Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for the Xbox 360 I can confirm I was given £30 for it on a game Gift Card.

There was a deal on at the time which they offered me Saints Row The Third for £4.99, instead. Basically saving £5.00

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Battlefield 3 The Best Class is...

The best class really is what you enjoy playing the most, but if you want the best class in terms of score you want to pick Medic and play maps like Conquest 64 player Metro. Very easy to wrack up 8000+ points per game with just medic packs and revives.

Next down is the Support class, on the same map with ammo packs and good camping spots (and/or nade spamming) you can get very good scores.

The engineer follows up but is much weaker in terms of points farming on the metro map at least, as no secondary way to gather mass points.

The recon class is by far the weakest in terms of score farming, I have had some incredible games but they are few and far between.

This is just a run down of what gives you good score, I highly recommend though that you just play what you enjoy, for me that's everything, and was a must for me to get a service star with each class as my first priority.

Do not forget points farming is great in the IFV and Tanks!! Even AA if you lucky enough to get in one.

Hope this helped.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Battlefield 3 The Best Guns for Each Class Including pistols

After playing the game 42 hours and having tried the majority of guns this is what I have discovered to be best gun combinations thus far.

For Assault the AEk-971 must have suppressor and Kobra RDS on for maximum potential.

This is great at all ranges, shoove on single tap fire for long range targets.

Alternative good Assault guns include M416 and well nothing else really.

For Engineer it's a toss up between A-91 and SG553 , I loved the sound of the G36C so I personally use this more simply for this reason but the other two guns perform better overall.

Kobra RDS scope is key to success with Engineer weapons.

The SCAR-H is rumoured to be being nerfed by a dev post but currently is pretty op in close range. I have never liked this gun.

For Support the M249 is by far the best gun there is, I find this gun to be completely OP, I use the IRNV x1 scope with extended mags and just own everything. The only issue i find with this gun is sometimes the IRNV performs poorly in certain areas of maps, where soldiers dont light up properly. Outside of this issues this is the most awesome Gun Combo around.

For RECON I have had most success with the M39 EMR due to the massive clip size, add on a Bipod and your laughing. Scope I prefer is the 8x, 12x is just too far zoomed in for all engagement distances.

The key to victory with this gun is firing 3 shots straight away, pop pop pop, dead target, you do not need to worry too much about head shots, they help but its not required.

The best Pistol in Battlefield 3 is the M9 Suppressed, please note I only use Suppressed pistols so can not compare with none suppressed weapons. The reason the M9 is best is because you have enough bullets in your clip to kill two targets without reloading, this makes it superior to all other pistols.

That's it for my selection of the best guns in Battlefield 3, there are of course other gun combination that are good but these are so far what I have had most success with.

Please feel free to comment and disagree or let us know of better combinations.

STAB AND GRAB 40 bugged? Battlefield 3 EA Gun Club Challenge

Hey all, just wanted to confirm for you the STAB AND GRAB 40 on the EA GUN Club for Battlefield 3 is indeed bugged. I have 110 knifes at least 60+ of these since I activated the challenge. All of my knifes are unique kills and I have still not received challenge complete.

From what I can gather there is supposed to be a verify button which has not yet been added.

I will keep this blog updated with any developments on this issue.

EDIT - now have challenge complete, had to log into gun club for it to update.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Battlefield 3 stuck in campaign mission Operation Guillotine

Found fix for this issue now. Simply alt tab a few times then leave game running, took a few minutes, but i left my self staring at the stuck guys, then went to make a brew. Came back and they had moved forward, can finally get on with this bug infested game.

I have been stuck on this mission where you get ambushed under a bridge for ages now and have tried everything. The squad Montes and Compo wont move forward it just says follow.

The objectives read clear blockade and flank enemies, i can go all the way down flank route and get stopped by a door. I have killed all enemies but they just respawn forever.

Anyone know how to get past this? Driving me mad.

How to change your Battlefield 3 username (origin)

Here is the how to change your Battlefield 3 username using EA's new name change service.

Simply go to and follow steps provided.

Soldier Name Change

How to Fix Battlefield 3 kicked from server error

This annoying problem "Kicked by Server Admin" is caused by PunkBuster and there is a simple fast fix.

Go to and download the official pb update program.

Click add game, select Battlefield 3 from list.

Battlefield 3 will now appear in the main page, select it then click check for updates.

Few seconds later, ta da. Fixed.

Hope this helped.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Minecraft 1.8 beta Sprint Jump

Team Mojang have revealed the distance you can jump with the sprint jump in Minecraft 1.8. It appears to be 4 blocks long. Video here shows this in action.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Terraria 1.0.7 patch new item drill?

Developer Redigit just hinted at drills being a new item in Terraria, picture looks real and awesome. Could this be in the 1.0.7 or 1.0.8 patch update?

Time will tell.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Minecraft 1.8 Patch Notes

The Minecraft 1.8 Patch Notes so far have been revealed. Awesome list and some interesting changes!!

Here are the main highlights of the 1.8 update:
  • Endermen are rare (YAY!) and die in water.
  • Zombies now drop rotten flesh (Not feathers)
  • All the tame mobs will drop meat except sheep and once killed will not respawn in that area.
  • XP will be used for levelling up. You get XP from killing mobs and lose it when you die.
  • Food is stackable but eating now takes time and has an animation.
  • Larger, and new biomes.
  • Added watermelons and made them (and pumpkins) farmable
  • Added towns, they might have NPCs (Jeb wants them to talk, Notch doesn't)
  • Strongholds near villages.
  • Added brightness slider, the deeper down you go the darker it gets. Torches held in your hand may emit light now.
  • New lighting system, much faster. Improved chunk generation speeds.
  • Exploring will be more rewarding.
  • Double-tap W to sprint/run.
  • Combat has been revamped, it is more rewarding.
  • Added an animation to bows.
  • Added a creative mode in which you can fly and spawn items.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Terraria Patch 1.0.6 LIVE here are the patch notes

Terraria 1.0.6 finally live, here are the patch notes for your reading pleasure.
NPC Additions
  • New Enemy : Spike Ball (An Immortal Enemy.)
  • New Enemy : Blazing Wheel (An Immortal Enemy.)
  • New Enemy : Dungeon Slime (Contains Golden Keys)
  • New Enemy : Goblin Scout

NPC Changes
  • Hornets in the Underground Jungle now shoot stingers. These stingers have a 1 in 3 chance of poisoning their target for 10 seconds.
  • Cursed Skulls now now have a chance to apply the Cursed debuff.
  • Bats, Harpy and Demon AI has been improved to prevent wall hugging.
  • Slimes when in water will now turn around when they have no where to go.
  • Man Eaters and Snatchers now have less HP, and are drawn above tiles rather than behind.
  • Lava Slimes no longer spawn lava when killed.
  • Meteor Heads now move much slower but do a lot more damage.
  • Bone Serpents now have a new death sound, and their hit-box has been re-calibrated.
  • NPC’s furniture requirements have changed to work with new items.NPCs now requires one "comfort object" (Chair, Throne, Bench, Bed, Toilet) and one "flat surface furniture" (Table, Dresser, Workbench, Tub, Bookcase) for a room to be complete before they will make it their home.
  • Thorns are now destroyed after you touch them and receive damage.

NPC Bug Fixes
  • EoW is no longer "defeated" when he flees.
  • Npcs that are far from home and try to turn to return home will no longer twitch left and right when stuck.
  • Hornets are correctly now unable to enter water.
  • Vultures should no longer ‘float’ if the sand they are perched on falls from beneath them.

Item Additions
  • New Item : Shadow Key
  • New Item : Golden Key
  • New Item : Shadow Chest (These require the Shadow Key)
  • New Item : Obsidian Background Walls
  • New item : Mud Background Walls
  • New Item : Jungle Spore (Replaces Jungle Rose in former crafting uses.)
  • New Item : Tattered Cloth
  • New Item : Battle Standard (Allows for manual starting of the Goblin Invasion)
  • New Item : Piano
  • New Item : Loom (Crafting Station, Now required for crafting most clothes from silk.)
  • New Item : Bench
  • New item : Dresser
  • New Item : Bathtub
  • New Item : Red Banner
  • New Item : Green Banner
  • New Item : Blue Banner
  • New Item : Yellow Banner
  • New Item : Lamp Post
  • New Item : Tiki Torch
  • New Item : Barrel
  • New Item : Chinese Lantern
  • New Item : Cooking Pot
  • New Item : Safe (A separate private storage from the Piggy Bank.)
  • New Item : Skull Lantern
  • New Item : Trash Can
  • New Item : Candelabra
  • New Item : Pink Jar
  • New Item : Mug
  • New Item : Beer Keg
  • New Item : Beer
  • New Item : Bookcase
  • New Item : Throne
  • New Item : Bowl
  • New Item : Bowl of Soup
  • New Item : Toilet
  • New Item : Grandfather Clock
  • New Item : Statue

Item Changes
  • Wooden Tables, Doors and Workbenches now have improved looking graphics.
  • Glow sticks price reduced. And are now a bit brighter.
  • Coins now leave a sparkle trail while moving.
  • Jungle Rose is now a rarer drop and no longer used to craft.
  • Grappling Hooks can no longer be spam shot, you must now wait until your previous shot lands or returns before you can throw another.
  • Suspicious Looking Eyes will now sometimes be found in chests.
  • Flamelash, Sunfury, and Flower of Fire are no longer dropped, they are now found in shadow chests in the underworld.
  • Ash and Mud no longer fall due to gravity.
  • Hellstone no longer produces light and is more rare.
  • Hellstone now spawns lava when it is mined, but only in the underworld.
  • Cacti no longer cause knock-back making running through a desert less of a hassle.
  • Potions now offer less HP on use, and their cool-down is now a minute.
  • Placing background walls is more simple, as 1 block holes are automatically filled in.
  • Flails now have a different mechanic. You can ‘spin’ them by pressing left and right fast over and over after they have been thrown while holding down the mouse button.
    ALL placed background walls are now considered ‘house walls’. (Yes even Dirt and Dungeon walls.)
  • Two of the same type of accessories may no longer be equipped at once.
  • Fish Bowl’s recipe has been changed to require Bottled Water, rather than just an empty Bottle.
  • Armors are now more ‘Class Type’ specific and their stats have been set accordingly.
    • Meteor Armor - Buffs Magic Damage and Set Bonus : Space Gun 0 Mana Cost.
    • Molten Armor - Set Bonus : Melee Damage
    • Shadow Armor - Buffs Melee Attack Speed and Set Bonus : Movement Speed.
    • Necro Armor - Buffs ranged damage and Set Bonus : Reduces Ammo Consumption.
    • Jungle Armor - Buffs Max Mana, Magic Crit Chance and Set Bonus : Reduced Mana Usage.
  • Several Magic Items and Weapons have been rebalanced. Including but not limited to...
    • Fire of Flower now does more damage, and costs more mana.
    • Band of Star Power now adds 20 mana to your maximum, and no longer adds mana regeneration.
    • Orb of Light now moves slower and is now listed as a buff that you can remove if you so desire and also know its remaining duration.
    • Magic missile is now quicker and is ‘launched’ when you release the mouse button, rather than disappearing.
    • Flamelash is ‘launched’ when you release the mouse button, rather than disappearing.
    • Meteor Armor and Molten Armors no longer glow.
    • Starfury now does a bit more damage, requires more mana, and now works underground. If a star is spawned inside a wall, it will be able to travel until it reaches open space and then becomes ‘solid’ colliding with the next wall it hits.
    • The Mini-shark now has a 33% chance that shooting the weapon will not take ammo. So it does not consume as much ammo to use.
    • Flintlock Pistols and Muskets are now a bit stronger.

Item Bug Fixes
  • Bottled water can no longer be crafted by standing near lava.
  • Night Owl Potion now works correctly.
  • Piggy Banks should no longer float when the ground beneath the table it is on is removed from beneath them.
  • Melee speed increase items are now calculated correctly.
  • Cacti no longer destroy blocks as they grow.

Game Interface
  • There is now an option to disable pickup text.
  • New Hot-key for grappling hooks. (Defaults to E)
  • Hot-bar Slots now show their Hot-key number.
  • The Mana Bar is now Blue, and text for gaining health is now green.
  • Interface Boxes are now colored differently. Inventory is Blue, Equip is Green, Craft is Purple, Shops are Brown, Piggy Banks and Safes are Pink.
  • Hot-keys for Mana and Healing Potions now work correctly with Rejuvenation potions.
  • Right clicking on an accessory or a piece of armor in your inventory will auto-equip it.
  • Newly obtained items will now be placed starting in the bottom right of your inventory rather than the previous top left.
  • There is now a Trash Can slot in the inventory. Placing an item here will destroy it. However the item will be saved in memory until another item is destroyed, allowing you to retrieve it if you wish. Holding Shift and Clicking and Item will move it to your trashcan.
  • When at a chest or piggy bank, there is now an option to loot all. This will take all items inside the chest/bank if there is room, If not it will take all items starting from top left. There is also a Quick Stack option for the reverse effect. If the chest you are viewing has items stored in it that you are also carrying, this option will stack those items into the chest combining stored and carried stacks.
  • When at a chest or piggy bank, there is now an option to Deposit all. This will take all items not in your hot bars and starting from the bottom right slot, place each item that will fit into the chest or bank. It will stop when space runs out.
  • It is no longer possible to drop items through the spaces between boxes in the inventory
  • Some Tools now give you an idea in their tool-tip of what they can mine. Example - "Can mine Meteorite".
  • There are now four ammo slots. Ammo may be placed here to de-clutter your inventory. Weapons will take ammo from these slots first, and will then take from any in the inventory after they are empty.
  • Hot-Bar slots that have a ranged weapon on them will show the current used ammo count on them.
  • There is now a toggle in your inventory, that when clicked, will LOCK your hot-bar and not allow you to change your currently used hot-bar item by clicking it with the mouse, only the 1 - 9 hot -keys and mouse-wheel will scroll them at that point.
  • Hotkeys can now be used to change selected item when the inventory is open.
  • Shops now sell items back to you. Holding Shift and Clicking and Item while at a shop will quick-sell it.
  • You can now quickly clear and cancel your chat message by hitting escape.


  • New Feature : Critical Hits. There is now a small chance you will do more damage to an enemy
  • New Feature : Damage Types. Damage is now separated into Melee, Ranged and Magic damages. These will be used going forward for a few different systems, such as buffs, de-buffs. Items will list what kind of damage they do in their tool-tip so you know what will be effected by what buff.
  • Players now heal automatically when ‘not in combat’. You are flagged as in combat when you are damaged by anything. The longer you have spent after getting hurt will increase your hp regen speed slightly.
  • Mana now recharges on its own when you are not casting. Slowly if you are moving, and fast if you stand still.

Character Creation
  • Added 19 new hairstyles.
  • There is now an option for ‘Male/Female’, this is used to change the characters voice. This way, any hairstyle can be used for either gender.
  • When choosing your hairstyle, you may now right click to cycle through the hair selections backwards.
  • There are now 3 difficulty modes that are set when creating a character.
    • Softcore - Drop coins on death, keep max hp and mana values.
    • Mediumcore - Drop all items on death, keep max hp and mana values.
    • Hardcore - Drops all Items and deletes your character on death, requiring you to start a new character. On death you will become a ghost that can not interact with the world until you log out.

Game Text
  • Corrected some spelling errors and also the placement of ‘%’ in some potion tool-tips.
  • Added several new randomized game 'subtitle captions'.
  • Misc’ in Character Creation color selection, has been renamed "Shoes".

Music and Sound
  • New Music : Corruption.
  • There are new sounds for the following actions/events
    • Talking to an NPC
    • Mana Becoming Full (also shows a purple sparkle on player)
    • Using Water Bolt, Flamelash, and Flower of Fire
    • Starting to Drow
    • Some sounds have a randomizing pitch change (like sword swinging), to make them have more variance.
  • Optimized "Finding Tile Frames", so worlds should load faster

World Gen
  • More Gems spawn in the jungle.
  • Hell Houses now spawn differently. A worlds Hell Houses can rarely spawn as all obsidian, and they can now get really tall.
  • Underground Jungles now have a Mud Background
  • Dungeons should no longer spawn in the ocean.
  • Deserts now spawn slightly further away from spawn.
  • Dungeons now spawn with more spikes and less lighting.
  • Underworld Ash is now filled with more lava pockets, making mining Hellstone more of a challenge.
  • Some items no longer spawn in Dungeon, these were meant for non-dungeon areas.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Terraria 1.0.6 release date hinted

Update - Terraria 1.0.6 is live, Patch notes link top left on side bar.

According to @Demilogic Andrew Spinks, one of the Terraria's creators/programmers , 1.0.6 is due to hit us early next week. That's between the 8th and 12th of August.

To quote his Twitter account -  "Hopefully we will have 1.0.6 ready early next week."

Here's to hoping.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Battlefield 3 Alpha Invite Trial

Just got a battlefield 3 alpha trial invite. Shock horror. Hopefully confirm its genuine and get involved soon.

Update - Its legit, Sadly I will not be able to do videos or release any information but well done anyone else who got selected.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Terraria Patch Notes 1.0.6

Full Updated Patch notes are here -

Below is OUDATED list. Above link is to current released live patch as of 9th August 2011.

New Additions and Changes
Inventory/GUI improvements:
Colored inventory boxes.
Loot All and Quick Stack Chest functions.
Trash Can which allows you to retrieve the last item thrown away.
Items picked up will be placed in the bottom right corner of the inventory first.
Lock button which prevents the hotbar from being altered.
Four new inventory slots for ammo.
Exact health value will be shown above the health bar.
All mana items will be blue instead of purple.
Health gain text will be green.
Right-clicking equippable items will equip them.
Shift-clicking items will vendor them (if trading with an NPC) or will otherwise trash them.
Ammo consuming weapons placed in the hotbar will now display how much ammo there is remaining.
The seven most recently connected servers will now be displayed in the Multiplayer menu.
It is no longer possible to drop items through the spaces between boxes in the inventory.
Grapple hotkey added.
New sounds on some currently quiet enemies/events.
Magic and mana system overhauled.
The rate of mana regeneration is based on a percentage of your maximum mana.
Regeneration rate further varies depending on your current mana (less = slower).
Mana regeneration bonuses have been converted to maximum mana bonuses.
Healing potion effectiveness reduced and cooldown increased (Potion Sickness debuff which lasts 60 seconds).
Life now regenerates automatically. The longer it's been since you've been hit, the faster it regenerates.
Damage given and received has a 15% variance. There is a 4% chance of a critical hit which deals 100% extra damage (player to enemy only).
New hairstyles.

New dungeon content:
Spinning spike-ball trap.
Locked Chests which require Keys to open.
Increased Spike spawn during world generation.
New Night's Edge and Dark Lance sprites.
Items sold to NPCs can be bought back for the selling price.
Addition and removal of background tiles have now been sped up, as well as 1 tile hole being automatically filled up.

New status ailments which provide negative effects to both the player and NPCs:
On Fire!
Jungle Armor stats altered:
Increases maximum mana
increases magic critical strike chance
Set bonus: 16% mana usage
Necro Armor stats altered:
Increases ranged damage
Set bonus: 20% chance not to consume ammo
Improved flail mechanics.
Different weapons will have different damage types. Eventually in later updates, certain damage types may be more/less effective against certain enemies.
Cacti no longer cause knock-back.
Thorny Bushes will now be destroyed after touching them.
The Band of Starpower now adds 20 maximum mana instead of speeding up mana regeneration.
Lava Slimes will no longer burst into a pool of lava when killed.

Bug Fixes
Eater of Worlds will be listed as "flees" when the player exits The Corruption instead of being listed as "defeated".
Night Owl Potion will actually work.
Rejuvenation potions will work with the Quick Heal and Quick Mana functions.
Dungeons will no longer spawn in the ocean.
NPCs who are far from home will no longer "flip out".

----------------------------------- Future Changes ------------------------------------

These planned changes have been announced as possibilities in future updates, but won't feature in the next version.
New Additions and Changes
More Floating Islands content.
Return of Cobalt Armor.
More furniture for builders to work with.
Window (and a curtained variation)
Painting (small and large)
Clock (?)
Red Banner
Blue Banner
Trash Can
Armor Stand (?)
Wooden Stand
Grandfather Clock
Torch Stand
Pure PvP servers with team based objectives, including newly generated worlds with an automatically created tower on each side of the map, with players fighting each other on a CTF game mode.
Adding sloped/inclined tiles to make the world smoother.
New harder world types:
Alien planets
alternate dimensions
evil worlds
Enemy factions that will move into your world, and build their own city.
More events:
more/improved invasions
Farming and stamina system that gives a bonus to player stats.
Separate cooldowns for edibles.
Mechanics for making traps and devices.
Implementation of Steam features.
Multiplayer improvements.
NPCs which can give quests to provide more content.
New items:
Reinforced Door
Stone Door
Fishing Pole
Background vistas which will provide a backdrop in different areas of the map.
Bushes to provide more flora to the world.
Stalagmites and stalactites in caves.