Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Battlefield 3 The Best Class is...

The best class really is what you enjoy playing the most, but if you want the best class in terms of score you want to pick Medic and play maps like Conquest 64 player Metro. Very easy to wrack up 8000+ points per game with just medic packs and revives.

Next down is the Support class, on the same map with ammo packs and good camping spots (and/or nade spamming) you can get very good scores.

The engineer follows up but is much weaker in terms of points farming on the metro map at least, as no secondary way to gather mass points.

The recon class is by far the weakest in terms of score farming, I have had some incredible games but they are few and far between.

This is just a run down of what gives you good score, I highly recommend though that you just play what you enjoy, for me that's everything, and was a must for me to get a service star with each class as my first priority.

Do not forget points farming is great in the IFV and Tanks!! Even AA if you lucky enough to get in one.

Hope this helped.

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