After playing the game 42 hours and having tried the majority of guns this is what I have discovered to be best gun combinations thus far.
For Assault the AEk-971 must have suppressor and Kobra RDS on for maximum potential.
This is great at all ranges, shoove on single tap fire for long range targets.
Alternative good Assault guns include M416 and well nothing else really.
For Engineer it's a toss up between A-91 and SG553 , I loved the sound of the G36C so I personally use this more simply for this reason but the other two guns perform better overall.
Kobra RDS scope is key to success with Engineer weapons.
The SCAR-H is rumoured to be being nerfed by a dev post but currently is pretty op in close range. I have never liked this gun.
For Support the M249 is by far the best gun there is, I find this gun to be completely OP, I use the IRNV x1 scope with extended mags and just own everything. The only issue i find with this gun is sometimes the IRNV performs poorly in certain areas of maps, where soldiers dont light up properly. Outside of this issues this is the most awesome Gun Combo around.
For RECON I have had most success with the M39 EMR due to the massive clip size, add on a Bipod and your laughing. Scope I prefer is the 8x, 12x is just too far zoomed in for all engagement distances.
The key to victory with this gun is firing 3 shots straight away, pop pop pop, dead target, you do not need to worry too much about head shots, they help but its not required.
The best Pistol in Battlefield 3 is the M9 Suppressed, please note I only use Suppressed pistols so can not compare with none suppressed weapons. The reason the M9 is best is because you have enough bullets in your clip to kill two targets without reloading, this makes it superior to all other pistols.
That's it for my selection of the best guns in Battlefield 3, there are of course other gun combination that are good but these are so far what I have had most success with.
Please feel free to comment and disagree or let us know of better combinations.
what do you think is the best, say, shotgun?
Not used the shotguns yet sorry, I was testing out the G3 more before MW3 and Skyrim hit. Not played BF3 for a few days now.
Will add this once I have done some proper testing.
Thanks for the Recon hints, do you know if there's any handgun comparison on the web? All the best!
Not sure sorry, I just know what I have said in the blog above about pistols.
The best pistol in my experience is the M9 Supressed.
What about the M1911 Pistol? Did you acquire it threw Gun Club or not? It does more damage per bullet then the M9.
While this does more damage it has alot less bullets in the clip, having been a massive fan of the m1911 in Bad Company 2 I am sad to say this is no where near as good. You'll never kill two people in one clip like an m9 will.
I have some issues with your discussions about the guns. Personally, I think the F 2000 is by far the best assault class weapon. It has superior damage and rate of fire, and essentially no recoil compared to both the m416, and the AEK.
As for pistols, The 44 magnum is best in my opinion .Despite the glacier slow rate of fire, it will finish an enemy in a single headshot, or two body/limb shots. If you hit all your shots, That is between 3 and 6 kills without reloading.
Thanks for your comment, this information was written when BF3 first came out, many things have changed in the guns since then in patches.
My pistol suggestions are based around suppressed weapons only as stated.
I have mostly used the m249 trying to unlock some things and within 2-3 round i have it unlocked
thanks 4 the recon tips. ive normally used the other sniper rifles but, while they are powerful, the have a slow rate of fire. depends also where u put the bullet. but i also like the REX pistol, it a faster version of the .44 magnum. but not a much bullets in a round
F2000 is great at close range but sucks at long range since it will basicly miss everything that is in your sights.
anyways why the silencer on the AEK?
It just always seems to perform better with silencer, and I tested this a lot.
Not a fan of the F2000 I need better range options, but I do die to it semi often in close range combat.
The reson why people aren't being highlighted in your infared scope is probably because they are using the spec ops cammo which reduces your ir signature. And using a silencer is key because then u don't show up on enemy radar when firing your weapon.
How can you say the M9 is the best pistol b/c of the clip size when the MP433 and G17 have bigger clips.
The IR scope was confirmed bugged in certain areas its nothing to do with cammo, with recent nerfs to IR is not really anywhere near as good.
And it is not just about the clip size, the M9 supressed has just the right amount of damage compared to clip size.
Im a support, I agree with M249. But i wud liek to know ur views on QBB-95.
Oh and thanks for Assult guide, surly Im gona try the AEK-971.
It's fun with the things your are saying I was sat thinking I could have written this agree on all parts out of my own experience wich is currently about 80 hours
I agree with the aek its a good gun and I also like suppressors but my favorite for assault are the m16a3 and the m416 both have slight recoil when shooting long rang and are just absolute beast. engineer id have to say the same. Support m249 and m27 lar even though its the first weapon it packs a definite punch. Recon has to be L96 even though it came with the B2k add on. Its just devastating what it does to people and i think its great for agressive sniping the velocity is unmatched by the rest of the snipers.
Usas-12 by far Is completely the best its fully automatic and you can add an extended mag with 11 rounds and add frag
Assault I would go with the M4A1, it may not deal the most damage but I find I perform better with it. I've been going recon alot lately too and have gotten use to firing the SV98. For handguns I also use either the glock 17 or the m9. And for engineer the ump45 is my usual choice but I'll occasionaly go with the scar but it has let me down more than a few times in the past.
Your crazy the g18 is definitely the best pistol on the game.. And for your assault rifles the famas is for sure the best on this game..
After 194 hours of playing time so far, I use F2000 silenced, holographic, foregrip for assault class becuase of its speed and accuracy. Engineer class is M4A1 (US issued rifle) silenced, foregrip, holographic. Support class is either RPK (RU issued) silenced, foregrip, holo sight. For Recon class, i dont use it often but if i do then its M98B with bipod, 8 or 12x zoom. For pistols I generally always use G18 silenced, i tried other pistols and nothing compares to G18 in close range. Admit its not the most accurate at mid to long range but in tight situations its a livesaver. I use silenced weapons because im used to them and i do better with it, as it has less recoil because of the silencer. Foregrip is obviously good for reducing horizontal drift of the weapon when i fire. Holographic sight is good cuz it hasnt got the annoying little T shaped red dot sight (RDS).
After 194 hours of playing time so far, I use F2000 silenced, holographic, foregrip for assault class becuase of its speed and accuracy. Engineer class is M4A1 (US issued rifle) silenced, foregrip, holographic. Support class is either RPK (RU issued) silenced, foregrip, holo sight. For Recon class, i dont use it often but if i do then its M98B with bipod, 8 or 12x zoom. For pistols I generally always use G18 silenced, i tried other pistols and nothing compares to G18 in close range. Admit its not the most accurate at mid to long range but in tight situations its a livesaver. I use silenced weapons because im used to them and i do better with it, as it has less recoil because of the silencer. Foregrip is obviously good for reducing horizontal drift of the weapon when i fire. Holographic sight is good cuz it hasnt got the annoying little T shaped red dot sight (RDS).
Silenced weapons are shit because of less power. Just seems like a shitty cod thing
I would have to disagree, I can think of 100s of kills I have got due to being silent enough for nearby people not to notice me killing there team mate, thereby staying in good position longer and getting further kills.
M16a3 simply the best assault you can have, wished it could be an all around assault rifle, so ill go with the ump-45 ,have to be good to make it hit in long ranges, assault all the way! :)
The best guns for each class are the A 91 for engineer speed and damage the M249 for support speed and damage the QBU 88 for sniper can kill with close and long range dealing nessisary damage and the and i think its call the M1416 for assult dealing intermiedait USAS is the best shotgun speed range and fire modes AS VAL is best personal gun you have to change firemode and by the way personal guns can have lazer sight with suppressers unlike normal guns
The best guns for each class are the A 91 for engineer speed and damage the M249 for support speed and damage the QBU 88 for sniper can kill with close and long range dealing nessisary damage and the and i think its call the M1416 for assult dealing intermiedait USAS is the best shotgun speed range and fire modes AS VAL is best personal gun you have to change firemode and by the way personal guns can have lazer sight with suppressers unlike normal guns and the assult one has a underbarrel attachment like the mass abulity otherwize use F2000
oh and best pistal is the rex and i have all the guns
for the sniper to me the m98b is the best just because of the high velocity shots making it easier to get headshots
G3A3 is best with semi-auto fire with a silencer, foregrip and holografic sight and it only takes 3-4 shots to kill. fully automatic fire wastes the 20-21 bullet clip
93R is the best pistol if you don`t mind not being silent but if you do use the g18 suppressed and switch fire mode for longer range instead of fireing all your shots in the sky
The best shotgun is the DAO-12 buckshot or fletchett depending on if you want the range with less power extended mags/clips and holografic sight. Also you can reload and suddenly start shooting with it suprising those who think you will have a long reload. The USAS-12 has poor accuracy when shooting the whole mag and needs the laser sight so it is no longer a good weapon as i belive the patch has made it poor just as it did the famas
the last 3 anonymous comments were done by one person and i have every weapon including dlc and co-op
G18. Kapow! Use it enough and you'll learn how to clean house with it. Reload is super fast too. I love my p90. Just my 2 cents :)
Those things that you put all your bullets in aren't "clips" they're called magazines. Carry on.
...but but clip sounds way cooler ;p
Being so much easier to spell rocks to lol.
The aek fires a 5.45 wp round at 850 rounds a minutewhile the f2000 fires the standard 5.56 NATO rounds at 800 rounds a minute therefore giving the aek a lil more velocity and kinetic energy and 50 more rounds per minute lol. Also with irnv when you see that someone isn't lit up its only because they have spec ops camo on which maybe irnv scope useless.
Seriously wh the frick does everyone say "clip"? It's a damn magazine, please for the love of all that is holy get it right
Personally, I enjoy M1911 i'm able to kill two people without reloading - no headshots. I like the M98B for recon. It has the most power, and has the least drop of any sniper rifle though it is a single shot. One shot unless in limb. For assault i use M416, or the PP-2000 I like the 2000 because it basically has no recoil. For Engineer i mainly just use the PP-2000. For Support, i use the M27 IAR or the M60. Decide for yourself whats good ;P
Personal choice is just that personal. I myself believe no gun is better than a dead mans gun. I prefer to keep things interesting and mix it up. I have been gameing since Pong was available only in green.In all those years of killing Nazis, Future Soilders and Questing like an Avatar, takeing dead weapons was a rare option. So personally, for me, its the one I pull of my dead enemies corpse after not teabagging them. Life is relative.
I know Vets from many wars, part of life is also the fact that slang is used, soilders, i.e. 18 year olds trained to die and kill use it more than anyone but criminals. Bloopers, Bouncing Betties, Willy Pete, Puff the Magic Dragon, Frag, Potato Masher,and Clip, all real things, from real life named by real people. Get a grip on that O.C.D. and accept that an open mind is not a closed one. Peace
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